Is it a cheat protection or do i just need to find the random function that changes the base value location.etc.ġ) BASE Code :00953ff0 - a1 10 c3 47 01 - mov eax,Īfter restarting my pc this is what i got:Ģ) BASE Code :019e3ff0 - a1 10 c3 50 02 - mov eax, I am looking forwards to making my first trainer but every time i restart my pc not the game the base value location changes (0147c310 to 0250c310 and every time i restart it changes to some thing different etc.) I have made a pointer and every thing else. This is really annoying here is the problem i have found the base value to give me infinite energy. If you love Spore, and love cheating in Spore, you'll definitely want to check out our list of Spore cheats.Posted: Tue 10:57 pm Post subject: SPORE GA, base/static value location changes!! You can tweet us and reach us via email at hope you found this guide useful. We'd be more than happy to help on Twitter or via email.

If you're unpausing after zooming out, and then zooming back in, this cheat might not work. You should zoom all the way back in before unpausing. Have a re-read of the part of this guide that explains how to activate that. when the game stops letting you zoom out further).Īlso, if the game isn't letting you zoom out very far, you probably don't have the freecam cheat activated. You need to zoom out as far as you possibly can (i.e. If you don't zoom out far enough, this cheat won't work. If you pause using the ESC key, this cheat won't work.

You need to pause the game using the pause button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen - not with the ESC key. To pause sooner, get your mouse ready over the pause button as soon as you click the bones, and click as soon as the icon appears letting you know that you've unlocked some parts.